Heritage Lutheran Church is a Bible-believing, Confessional Lutheran Church that proclaims the true Word of God.

October 2024 Newsletter

Heritage Herald – October 2024 Edition

From Pastor’s Desk

The Hymns of the Communion Liturgy

The Sanctus (Latin – Holy, Holy, Holy) ELH page 51, 73, 100.

“Sanctus” is Latin for “holy” (e.g., “sanctification,” “sanctuary”). The Sanctus is part of the church’s traditional communion liturgy and has been called “the most ancient, the most celebrated, and the most universal of Christian hymns” (Luther Reed, The Lutheran Liturgy, 313-14).

The Sanctus has been used in every branch of the church as far back as liturgical historians can trace. It is undoubtedly part of the oldest liturgical tradition. Several very early church fathers, such as Clement of Rome (died about 104), Tertullian (died about 220), Origen (died 254), Serapion (died 360), Athanasius (died 373), Cyril of Jerusalem (died 373), and John Chrysostom (died 407) make reference to it. M. F. Sadler claims the Sanctus must be apostolic in origin. If the apostles desired congregations to take part in the Divine Service, they must have established some basic forms of worship such as the Sanctus.

The Sanctus comes within the beginning of the Communion liturgy, expressing the believer’s awe and wonder at being in the presence of the Almighty God in the Communion.   The Sanctus is a quote of Isaiah’s vision of heaven in Isaiah 6:3, echoed in Revelation 4:8.

The Agnus Dei (Latin, Lamb of God” ELH page 55, 79, 103.

Agnus Dei is the Latin name under which the “Lamb of God” is honored within Christian liturgies descending from the historic Latin liturgical tradition, including those of Roman CatholicismLutheranism and Anglicanism. It is the name given to a specific prayer that occurs in these liturgies, and is the name given to the music pieces that accompany the text of this prayer. The use of the title “Lamb of God” in liturgy is based on John 1:29, in which St. John the Baptist, upon seeing Jesus, proclaims “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” The Agnus Dei is found in the liturgy of the Church as far back as 657 a.d.

The Nunc Dimittis (Latin, Now Dismiss Us, “Lord, now you let your servant depart in peace…) ELH page 81,

The Nunc dimittis, also known as the Song of Simeon or the Canticle of Simeon, is a canticle taken from the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, verses 29 through 32. Its Latin name comes from the opening words of the Latin translation of the passage, meaning “Now you let depart”. Since the 4th century it has been used in Christian services, including the Communion and evening worship such as ComplineVespers, and Evensong. In the Communion liturgy the Nunc Dimittis comes after the Communion distribution, providing a beautiful, scriptural, expression of Christian comfort, peace, and readiness to depart and be with the Lord, having received  the body and blood of Christ in the Lord’s Supper.

-Pastor K.J. Anderson


Treasurer Update

FY25 August Financial Summary

Council Update


  • Sunday school started
  • Kevin is still looking for two teachers. One to co-teach PreK and K and another to co-teach 3rd and 4th If anyone knows of people that would be interested, please contact Kevin.
  • The Ponaths are assisting with the Youth Sunday Group
  • Pastor volunteered Hannah to help in a pinch.

Spiritual Oversight

  • Changing the schedule was discussed further at their meeting.
  • There was a discussion on shut-ins.
  • Steve will continue to monitor attendance/giving.

School Board

  • What can we do for next year?
  • Can we create exposure? It will be suggested that teachers be present at more activities.
  • The summer program target is 10 children. Plans for the program are being discussed. A proposal will be presented soon.
  • Jacob Calhoun may replace Sterling Korstad on the board.


  • There is a Back2School Food Truck Event on Thursday, 9/12. Pastor will send an email urging everyone to attend.
  • Their next meeting is the 1st week of October. They will review the event as well as plan for the Bazaar and the Heritage Night Out series of events.
  • David & Julie Wright’s addition to the outreach board was unanimously approved.
    • Moved: Pastor/Second: Jesse


  • New properties’ board members Dennis and Ruth Braun, Julie Damico, and Jodi Nikoley were unanimously approved.
    • Moved: Jesse/Second: Pastor
  • Thanks (again) to the properties crew for all their work on the playground, etc.
  • What is the status of thef previously received property insurance payment for roof damage among other items?
    • Have related repairs been completed?
    • What is the plan?
      • Flat roof will be repaired this fall or spring
      • Cosmetic items will be discussed as to whether or not they will be addressed (there may be risks to being dropped if we don’t)
      • Rates could be increased.
    • Chan Smith’s (synod board of trustees) cautionary email message transmitted several weeks ago was referenced.
  • Clean up day is October 5, or 12 if inclement weather
  • Dennis replaced the faucet in the old kitchen and a toilet was fixed.
  • Tim Oachs has agreed to fix various plumbing issues over the winter.
  • Wade was contacted about the AC units.


  • Phil will give a report to the congregation in September. There will be a zoom meeting Tuesday, September 17th for financial information.


  • Jodi and Dave will have a weekly status meeting in order to accomplish initiatives.


  • TLC discussed having teams for visiting shut-ins. Barb Oachs is organizing this.
  • The General Pastoral Conference will be meeting the first week of October. Other boards will be meeting at Heritage that week also.

Women’s Missionary Society Rally

Dear Circuit 9 Congregations,

We are excited about our upcoming 41st Circuit 9 Mission Rally, which will take place on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at Norseland Lutheran Church. This year, the event will be co-hosted by Norseland Lutheran Church (St. Peter, MN) and Norwegian Grove Lutheran Church (Gaylord, MN).

This is a family event. The whole family — men, women and children — are encouraged to attend. In addition to engaging speakers, we have a variety of programs planned, including youth music and games and a special youth music performance to conclude the day. Childcare for young children will also be available.
Please note that the times previously listed in the “Save the Date” have been updated. Registration and coffee will now begin at 8:30 a.m., with the opening devoting starting at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be served. The closing devotion will end by 2:30 p.m., followed by coffee, treats and fellowship time.
To help us prepare and ensure everyone is comfortably accommodated, please review the enclosed information and coordinate RSVPs with your congregation members.
We would love to have you join us for this special occasion. Please send your RSVP to Klea Rettmann at kmsrettmann@gmail.com by Saturday, October 5, and use the “RSVP Tally Sheet” to organize your congregation’s response.

The purpose of the annual Circuit 9 Mission Rally is to promote missions both at home and abroad through financial assistance and prayer. It aims to increase interest in ELS mission endeavors and to foster personal service by developing a greater concern for the unchurched.
Additionally, the rally encourages and supports the study of mission work within our circuit congregations.

Donations will also be gathered from each congregation in Circuit 9. Please send your donations to Norseland Lutheran Church, attention to the Ladies Aid, by Saturday, October 5.
For more information or if you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Quist at julie.quist@gmail.com. Be sure to include “Mission Rally” in the subject line of your email.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Norseland Lutheran Church and Norwegian Grove Lutheran Church
Mission Rally Planning Committee

TLC – The Ladies’ Connection

The Ladies’ Connection will meet on Saturday, October 12th at 10:00 a.m.


Member Photo Directory

The photo directory is in the process of being updated. If you have a recent picture that you would like us to use, please send it to Katie & Kevin Henricks – 2k2nhenricks@charter.net


Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Women’s Bible Study. 

The Heritage Women’s Bible Class is studying Luther’s Large Catechism this Fall. We meet on Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Please contact Ruth B. if you would like to join us or would like more information.

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Class meets at 9:00 a.m.

Heritage Choir

Choir rehearsal is on Wednesdays starting at 7 pm. New members are always welcome! Please contact Julie Wright or Klaudia Calhoun with any questions.

Volunteer Opportunities Around the Church

Once again the Property Board is requesting Heritage members to volunteer to clean the Narthex, Sanctuary and gym on a weekly basis. Please consider helping to keep our church looking nice by signing up on the volunteer board. The Sanctuary takes about 1 1/4 hours, the Narthex 1 1/4 hours, and the gym 20 minutes. Questions: contact Ruth B. for details and instructions.

Heritage’s Fall Grounds and Building Cleanup

There is a lot involved in keeping Heritage’s grounds and building looking good and ready for winter. Therefore, the Property Board has scheduled a congregational work day on Saturday, October 5th starting at 9:00 a.m. Please bring gloves, wheel barrows and shovels/rakes and trimmers/clippers for outdoor work and rubber gloves for indoor work. The sign-up is posted on the volunteer board in the Narthex. If the 5th does not work for you, please consider choosing a project and completing it anytime between now and the end of October. Thank you. Questions? See Jesse, Dennis, Ruth, Julie D. or Jodi



Members Helping Members

Greetings from Members Helping Members,
We help with rides to doctors’ appointments, limited help with car repairs, meals, or any other help someone may need. This month we supplied several meals to families in need. Please contact Pastor or myself if you need any help. If you would like to help on this committee, please contact me.
Thank you,
Barb Oachs

Companions in Prayer 

My Prayer Story

Have you ever thought about how much our hands do?  Not only what they do, but what the words symbolize.  “Let me give you a hand.” means let me help you.  “Let’s give them a hand.” means let us show our appreciation for a job well done or encourage someone to continue on.  “Keep that handy.” means keep it near by.  The saying “the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing” means confusion.  You can add many more to this list.  Jesus used His hands to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to bless the crowd and to bless little children.  The nails put in His hands on the cross represent our salvation as He died on the cross for our sins.  Showing His hands to the disciples and then to Thomas demonstrated that He had risen from the dead.  Oh, how important hands can be!  There is a gospel song that comes to mind sung by several people over the years, but probably best known by Jim Reeves or Elvis Presley.

“Take My Hand, Precious Lord”

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light:


Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.

When my way grows drear,
Precious Lord, linger near,
When my life is almost gone,
Hear my cry, hear my call,
Hold my hand lest I fall:


When the darkness appears
And the night draws near,
And the day is past and gone,
At the river, I stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand:


Congregation Prayer Suggestions: 

Intercessory prayer – prayers on the behalf of others – is a part of a Christian’s life.  If you have a request for Companions in Prayer at Heritage to pray for you or someone you know, please contact Alice Schmidt, Pastor Anderson or the Office.

Each of you have a list of those you pray for, but consider adding these to it.

  • Once again a natural disaster is overwhelming some areas of our nation as hurricane Helene has struck the south east part out our country. Pray for those who are suffering loss of property, loss of life and face a lengthy period of recovery.
  • Ask God to bless and keep the older generation in our congregation who are facing life changes of health, memory, mobility and living arrangements.

Serving in October

October Greeters

10/6 – Chapman

10/13 – Natvig

10/20 – A Schmidt

10/27 – Sutton

Greeter Guidelines

To provide a consistent, friendly, and sincere greeting every Sunday to all members and visitors to Heritage Lutheran Church, guidelines have been developed to help accomplish that goal.  Following are some of those guidelines:

  • Please mark your calendar for the date you are assigned. The date assigned will be published in the Heritage Newsletter for a two-month period.
  • Please be ready to greet no less than 20 minutes before each service for which you have been assigned.
  • As you greet visitors, please encourage them to sign our guest book. If there are two people greeting, one of you could escort them to the guest book while the other continues to greet.  Ideally you should try to introduce them to another member standing nearby.  Sometimes this is difficult to do as the service is starting.  In that case, try to chat with them after the service and introduce them to other members after the service.
  • Stay at the door until the service is underway; visitors quite often show up late and really need extra help in getting bulletins and a place to sit. Feel free to involve the ushers as needed.
  • If you have a chance, get their contact information from the guest book or by asking them for it, and then follow up with a thank you text, email, or note sent to them thanking them for visiting our church. If you inform the church office, they could help with this task.
  • If you are unable to greet at both services, please ask someone to fill in for you. If you find out at the last minute, text the following who are willing to help –  Remus 651-800-5827, Braun 612-237-1064, Fahning 952-200-2870, Eisenbeis 651-230-4423, Barb Oachs 952-465-5272
  • If you have a conflict with the date you were assigned, please contact someone from your month or the next month and trade with them. This helps those doing the scheduling with juggling all the rescheduling. Thank You!


October Ushers & Acolytes

10/6 – 8:00 – Micah Steward, Dave Paulsen/Jaycen Steward

10:30 – Jesse & Fischer Chapman/Josiah Mears

10/13– 8:00 – Kurt Arehart, Howard Sickmann/Ushers

10:30 – Steve Cook, Dan Schwanz/Ushers

10/20 – 8:00 – Bruce Reedstrom, Larry Sickmann/Jaycen Steward

10:30 – Josh Mears, Phil Holz/Josiah Mears

10/27 – 8:00 – Dave Paulsen, Jef Sutton/Ushers

10:30 – Kevin Henricks, Luther Krueger/Ushers

October Recording

10/6 – Stan Miller

10/13 – Libby Paulsen

10/20 – Martin Paulsen

10/27- Stan Miller


October Altar Guild

/Barb Oachs


October Fellowship

10/6 – Candy Rynders

10/13 – Siewert  

10/20 – Open

10/27 – Tonak

October Birthdays

2 David Krueger

3 Nicholas Henricks

5 Charlie Talbot

6 Evan Blom

7 John LaSalle

8 Johanna Krueger

8 Fischer Chapman

12 Sophia Robb

18 Desmond Yaeger

24 Carrie Holz

26 Evan Anderson

27 Zack Sickmann

27 Taysom Calhoun

30 Anthony Peterson

October Calendar 
