Heritage Lutheran Church is a Bible-believing, Confessional Lutheran Church that proclaims the true Word of God.

May 2024 Newsletter

Heritage Herald – May 2024 Edition

From Pastor’s Desk

Old Advice

Today we have available many avenues of advice and counsel for life issues.  On television we have inspirational personalities, self-help gurus, counselors, and psychologists.  Books of the same ilk are popular. Internet blogs and websites provide everyone the opportunity to express opinions and beliefs, whether well supported or not.  Young people seem attracted to the words of popular icons and to the random exposes found on Tik Tok and Face Book.    But are those outlets known for sound advice and counsel?  Sometimes, perhaps, but just as often found are are conspiracy theories, unfounded “scientific” discovery and random advice garnered from personal experience.  “Taylor Swift said she drinks this (____ fill  in the blank) so I’m going to try it!”  I suggest better advice and counsel are available from grandma, grandpa, retired LES teacher, or graying pastor.

Rehoboam (922-915 B.C., 1Kings 12) was the 4th King of the Old Testament empire of Israel. He was the son and  heir of the great king Solomon and the grandson of King David. But Rehoboam was responsible for the division of Israel and the end of Israeli domination of the region.  Very early in his reign the nation split in two: Ten tribes to the north and Judah in the south. What happened?  At the death of his father Solomon, Rehoboam was anointed King in fulfillment of the great king’s designation.

Solomon was world renown for his wisdom.  The scriptures record that God blessed him to be the wisest man on earth (1 Kings 3). Kings and queens from around the world came to Solomon to learn his counsel and advice.  It was during Solomon’s reign that Jerusalem was built into one of the world’s greatest wonders. Under  Solomon the Jerusalem temple was constructed and a magnificent palace was built.  Jerusalem and its temple were the envy of the world for beauty and opulence.  Jerusalem became the  center of Israel’s worship and government. Not only so, but under Solomon’s leadership Israel became the economic and military superpower of the then world. Not only were Jerusalem and its temple.  So the ten tribes north of Judah lived in the shadow of Solomon and mighty Jerusalem.

It is not a stretch to imagine the friction growing between the ten northern tribes and Judah/Jerusalem to the south.  At Solomon’s death and son Rehoboam’s ascension to the throne, the ten tribes saw an opportunity to garner greater support, recognition, and honor for Israel North.  “Why should we always be ruled by a King from Judah?”

The northern ten tribes organized and called for an assembly with the new King Rehoboam (1 Kings 12).  They requested relief from the heavy burden (taxation?) laid upon them under Solomon.  The door was opened for discussion and for a new, better relationship between the tribes of Israel.  Rehoboam asked for three days to consider the matter with his advisors.  Rehoboam consulted the elders who had advised his father, the wise King Solomon.  They advised that he speak and act in a conciliatory manner and strive to better unite the tribes.  But Rehoboam also sought counsel from his friends and childhood pals, “the young men he had grown up with” (1 Kings 12:8).  They advised him to take a hard stance and let the northern tribes know that he was the heir of Solomon and David, the power of Israel, and that they owed him obedience and service.   The northern ten tribes quickly turned and organized themselves into a new and separate nation. They would not be ruled so disrespectfully by a Judean king.  Jeroboam I became the new king of the  consolidated ten tribes of the north, subsequently named Israel. Rehoboan returned south to Judea, to Jerusalem and reigned over the one tribe Judah.  From that point both North and South began a slow decline in prosperity, influence and power.  Combined with a rejection of God’s Word and a turn to the worship of pagan gods, the northern tribes of Israel were conquered and enslaved by the mighty Assyrian empire 740-722 B.C. The Assyrians took captive and exiled the Israelites from their land and they became known as the ten lost tribes of Israel.

Judah survived a little longer, though nearly captured and destroyed by the Assyrians in 701 B.C. The Southern nation of Judah was finally captured and enslaved by the Babylonians in 587 B.C.  The Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and demolished its walls. They looted the temple of its treasures and sacred things, leveled it, and burned it.  The people of Judah were exiled to Babylon.  How different the history of Israel might have been if Jeroboam had followed the advice of his father’s sage elder counselors and not the inexperienced, untested advice of “the young men he had grown up with.”

Who do you listen to?  Where do you go for advice?  And what do you teach your  children regarding the same?  When it comes to important life decisions, unplug for a while. Ignore Tik Tok and all those blogs, Facebook friends, and internet fan sites you like to visit. Take with a grain of salt  the recommendations of the youth you grew up with. Remember Rehoboam and his historic mistake.  Consider listening to the old guys-  your elders, grandma, grandpa, retired Sunday School teacher, and, yes, even that graying pastor.  What becomes of your life might just depend on the advice you take today.

Pastor K.J. Anderson

Treasurer Update

FY24 April Financial Summary

Council Update

Director Reports

In reach – Fiesta Night planning is underway and will occur on May 5th.  Vacation Bible School will be June 24-27 and there will be food trucks.

Spiritual Oversight – The board is following up on the analyses of church services and consideration of one vs. two service formats. Elders approved acceptance of new members; Tim and Teresa Lehne transfer of membership, Mark Blaha through adult confirmation, Remi Jo Oachs through infant baptism.

School Board – Meetings of the school board have increased in frequency.  They are celebrating the acceptance of the preschool Call. Finalization of tuition specifics with family sibling rates are still being considered.

Outreach – They are finalizing dates for a Food Truck Event. Other events are being planned.

Properties –The Kindergarten classroom is ready to go with the floor polishing being completed.  Similar updates will occur with other classrooms including painting. New usage for the old office is up for debate.

Treasurer – Expenses are in line with the budget and giving is ahead of budget. There is an increased need for giving for the next fiscal year.

Chairman– Dave is reviewing a key policy for improving security for the building with an implementation of a fob system.

TLC/Office–  They are considering installing a new coffee machine in the gym kitchen. New blinds will be purchased for the sanctuary, also a rug for Pastor’s office, and bookcases for the fellowship hall.

TLC – The Ladies’ Connection

The Ladies’ Connection will meet on Saturday, May 4th, at 10:00 a.m.  The Ladies Connection (TLC) is planning an end-of-the-year social gathering in the evening on Monday, May 20th at Gerrie Koeplin’s Party Room.  We will be making our arrangements for that evening at the May 4th TLC meeting. All  ladies of the congregation are welcome to join us. Stay tuned for more details and information about the evening and please consider attending!

Fiesta Night

Fiesta Night is coming up on Sunday, May 5th at 4:30 p.m.  This event is a long-standing fundraiser, promises delicious food, an epic bean bag tournament and lots of opportunity for fellowship. You won’t want to miss it!

Member Photo Directory

The photo directory is in the process of being updated. If you have a recent picture that you would like us to use, please send it to Katie & Kevin Henricks – 2k2nhenricks@charter.net


Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Women’s Bible Study. 

All the women of Heritage are invited to join us on Monday nights, at 6:30 p.m. as we study Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles. Contact Ruth B. for further details. Contact Ruth B. with questions or to join virtually.

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Class is studying 1 Kings and meets at church on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

Members Helping Members

Greetings from Members Helping Members,
We help with rides to doctors’ appointments, limited help with car repairs, meals, or any other help someone may need. This month we supplied several meals to families in need. Please contact Pastor or myself if you need any help. If you would like to help on this committee, please contact me.
Thank you,
Barb Oachs

Companions in Prayer 

My Prayer Story

As I look out my window I once again marvel at the changes that Spring brings to our landscape. Oh, I know it isn’t really Spring yet, but the grass is green and trees are budding out and the early spring flowers are bravely blooming.  I think of it as a renewal of the beauty of God’s creation.  That word renewal got stuck in my mind and I started thinking of all the things that we renew.  We have to renew our driver’s licenses, our license tabs and our passports.  We renew our strength and energy by rest, exercise and good diet.  I just put in new windows at my house from Renewal by Anderson.  I am sure you can think of lots more things that require renewing.  Neglecting to renew some of these things can result in negative, even disastrous results.  How about renewing our faith?  That is the most important thing we can not afford to neglect and have it outdate.  What are some of the ways to renew your faith?  Examples are going to church and hearing God’s word, daily prayers, reading Meditations on a daily basis, Bible Study, sharing God’s word with others, participating in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.   You can think of many more, but not renewing our faith on a regular basis leaves the opportunity for Satan to weaken our faith and potentially lose it.  What a disaster that would be.

Isaiah 40:31

“But those who wait on the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”


Congregation Prayer Suggestions: 

Intercessory prayer – prayers on the behalf of others – are a part of a Christian’s life.  If you have a request for Companions in Prayer at Heritage to pray for you or someone you know, please contact Alice Schmidt, Pastor Anderson or the Office.  Here are some suggestions to add to your prayer list.

  • May has two important remembrance days – Mother’s Day on 5/12 and Memorial Day on 5/27. Give thanks for the Christian mothers who not only provided us with our earthly needs, but especially instilled in us God’s Word and Promises.  Give thanks for those who have and are serving our country to protect our freedoms – especially our freedom of worship.
  • Pray for resolution of the unrest and wars throughout the world and for those who are suffering from them.

Serving in May

May Greeters

5/5 – Mears

5/12 – Ponath

5/19 – L. Sickmann

5/26 – Steward


Greeter Guidelines

To provide a consistent, friendly, and sincere greeting every Sunday to all members and visitors to Heritage Lutheran Church, guidelines have been developed to help accomplish that goal.  Following are some of those guidelines:

  • Please mark your calendar for the date you are assigned. The date assigned will be published in the Heritage Newsletter for a two-month period.
  • Please be ready to greet no less than 20 minutes before each service for which you have been assigned.
  • As you greet visitors, please encourage them to sign our guest book. If there are two people greeting, one of you could escort them to the guest book while the other continues to greet.  Ideally you should try to introduce them to another member standing nearby.  Sometimes this is difficult to do as the service is starting.  In that case, try to chat with them after the service and introduce them to other members after the service.
  • Stay at the door until the service is underway; visitors quite often show up late and really need extra help in getting bulletins and a place to sit. Feel free to involve the ushers as needed.
  • If you have a chance, get their contact information from the guest book or by asking them for it, and then follow up with a thank you text, email, or note sent to them thanking them for visiting our church. If you inform the church office, they could help with this task.
  • If you are unable to greet at both services, please ask someone to fill in for you. If you find out at the last minute, text the following who are willing to help –  Remus 651-800-5827, Braun 612-237-1064, Fahning 952-200-2870, Eisenbeis 651-230-4423, Barb Oachs 952-465-5272
  • If you have a conflict with the date you were assigned, please contact someone from your month or the next month and trade with them. This helps those doing the scheduling with juggling all the rescheduling. Thank You!


May Ushers & Acolytes

5/5 – 8:00 – Howard Sickmann, Larry Sickmann/Cooper Sickmann

10:30 – Josh Mears, Phil Holz/Josiah Mears

5/12 – 8:00 – Craig Remus, Micah Steward/Ushers

10:30 – Luther Krueger, Dan Schwanz/Ushers

5/19 – 9:00 – Kevin Henricks, Tim Oachs/Jaycen Steward

5/26 – 9:00 – Steve Cook, Bruce Reedstrom/Ushers


May Recording

5/5 – Stan Miller

5/12 – Martin Paulsen

5/19 – Libby Paulsen

5/26 – Stan Miller

May Altar Guild

Bonnie Kooy/Sondra Frimanslund

May Fellowship

5/5 – Damico

5/12 – Cooper Sickmann (Confirmation)

5/19 – Sutton

5/26 – Kooy

May Birthdays

1 Mary Baldassano

4 Todd Salava

5 Connie Raak

6 Kelsey Leary

7 Libby Paulsen

8 Jill Lucken

10 Soren Ronay

15 Wade Smith

19 Elijah Cook

24 Julia Salava

24 Naomi Barrott

25 Pastor Anderson

25 Owen Smith

May Calendar 
