Heritage Herald – June 2024 Edition
From Pastor’s Desk
Honoring the Sabbath
“Therefore, do not let anyone judge you in regard to food or drink, or in regard to a festival or a New Moon or a Sabbath Day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were coming, but the body belongs to Christ.” -Colossians 2:16
In Jesus’ day the Jewish religion was obsessed with following the authorized Sabbath Day rules. The rule began with the commandment “Honor the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.” The expanded explanation included the prohibition of labor on the Sabbath. The precent was set in the command of God regarding the Manna collected by the Israelites during the Exodus wanderings. Each morning the people would gather the fallen manna for the day. But on Friday they were to collect a double portion in order to cover Saturday- the Sabbath. No gathering was allowed on that day .
The Jewish authorities developed 39 categories of actions prohibited on the Sabbath. Many, if not all, of these rules are still observed by Orthodox Jews today:
1 Carrying
2. Burning
3. Extinguishing
4. Finishing
5. Writing
6. Erasing
7. Cooking
8. Washing
9. Sewing
10. Tearing
11. Knotting
12. Untying
13. Shaping
14. Plowing
15. Planting
16. Reaping
17. Harvesting
18. Threshing
19. Winnowing
20. Selecting
21. Sifting
22. Grinding
23. Kneading
24. Combing
25. Spinning
26. Dyeing
27. Chain-stitching
28. Warping
29. Weaving
30. Unraveling
31. Building
32. Demolishing
33. Trapping
34. Shearing
35. Slaughtering
36. Skinning
37. Tanning
38. Smoothing
39. Marking
Each category included a multitude of more specific prohibitions. For example, regarding the category of carrying, this category absolutely forbids all carrying in the street. Even such trivial things as a key or a handkerchief must be left at home. Certainly pocketbooks, purses, wallets and key-chains may
The spirit of the law forbids the carrying or handling of unnecessary objects, even indoors. The Sanhedrin therefore legislated the categories of Muktza, things which may not be handled on the Sabbath. These include such useless things as pebbles and stones. They also include things which may not be used on the Sabbath, such as pencils, candles and money.
The spirit of the law also forbids the transfer of ownership, even inside a building. The Sanhedrin legislated a prohibition against all forms of buying, selling, trading and other commerce for a variety of reasons. The Sabbath must be a day when all business stops.
It is interesting to note that the prohibition against commerce is one of the few types of legislation actually recorded in the Bible. Thus, we find (Nechemiah 10:32), “If the (non-Jewish) natives of the land bring any goods or food to sell on the Sabbath day, we will buy nothing from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day.” (Note 8)
Regarding the category of burning: This category forbids such acts as striking a match or turning on a stove. It also prohibits smoking on the Sabbath.
An automobile engine works by burning gasoline. Turning on the ignition and stepping on the accelerator causes it to burn. It is therefore forbidden to drive a car on the Sabbath.
Heating a piece of metal so that it glows is also in the category of burning. When an electric light is turned on, its filament is heated white hot, producing light. This is therefore forbidden on the Sabbath.
In general, any use of electricity violates the spirit of the Sabbath, since it involves extracting energy from nature. According to many authorities, electricity has the same status as fire with regard to the Sabbath. In any case, the practice of all observant Jews is to avoid turning any electrical appliance on or off. Since a telephone also works by electricity, it also should not be used.
By these examples from just two of the 39 categories you can see how burdensome the Sabbath Day law became for the people of Judasim. Jesus wanted the people to know that in Him they were free from the old ceremonial law. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 1:28-30
We are God’s people of the New Covenant. Under the new covenant we are under no rules or prohibitions regarding the Sabbath. In fact the day itself is not legislated, Christians may elect any day of the week upon which to gather together around the Word and Sacrament. The 3rd commandment remains in force. We are to honor the Sabbath Day. But how do we do that? Luther explained it simply in the Small Catechism: “We should fear and loved God that we may not despise preaching and His Word, but gladly hear and learn it.”
Christ has fulfilled all the law for us, including the ceremonial laws laid upon the Old Testament people of God. Having been fulfilled in Christ, the 39 categories and their multiplicity of rules and regulations are now obsolete. We then turn our full attention regarding the commandment to faithfully attending the preaching of God’s Word and gladly hearing and learning it.
-Pastor K.J. Anderson
VBS is June 24th – 27th. Please email the office with the name and age/grade your child is going into this fall. Ages 3 (and potty trained) through going into 6th grade may attend. Volunteers are needed for a successful week. Please call or email the office (or Laura Mears) if you are willing to help that week. Thanks for considering.
Summer Camps for 3-6 year old children
Art Camp is coming up on June 17th. This camp will run Monday through Thursday from 9 am until noon. This is the first of our two summer camps for 3-6 year old children and it is always a very popular camp among the children and volunteers! The second camp is Science Camp and it will run July 15th – 18th from 9 am until noon. There are still spots available for both camps if you would like to sign your child up or help spread the word to friends and neighbors. Camp Flyer 2024 Reg
2024 Heritage Graduates
FY24 May Financial Summary
Council Update
Director Reports
In reach – Fiesta Night was a success. Micah and Summer were beanbag champions.
Spiritual Oversight – They worked on their budget. They are still considering going back to one service.
School Board – Preparations continue for the next academic year. Current staff will be meeting with the new preschool teacher for onboarding and orientation planning. A Meet and Greet and an installation will have to be planned.
Outreach –
Properties – Playground fencing outline is being finalized for installation this summer, Vestibule water damage has been repaired. Air Conditioning Units and central duct lines will be replaced.
Treasurer – Financial accounting is looking positive for the budgets.
Chairman– New office copier leases have been reviewed and cost savings may occur. The new security system and door access panel is complete.
TLC/Office– New entryway desk has been built and installed. TLC will have their annual gathering.
TLC – The Ladies’ Connection
The Ladies’ Connection will take a break for the summer.
Member Photo Directory
The photo directory is in the process of being updated. If you have a recent picture that you would like us to use, please send it to Katie & Kevin Henricks – 2k2nhenricks@charter.net
Adult Bible Study Opportunities
Women’s Bible Study.
The Women’s Monday evening Bible study is taking a break for the summer and will return in the fall. Contact Ruth B. with questions.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Class is taking a break for the summer and will return in the fall.
Members Helping Members
Companions in Prayer
My Prayer Story
This month’s story is about you – the members of Heritage Lutheran Church. We have just had Every Member Sunday and are having one service for the summer. It made me think about how important each member is and what they contribute to our congregation to make it successful. Let me share my thoughts with you. While we have our paid staff – Pastor, office staff, and organists – much of the work of our church is completed by members on their own time. (The paid staff also give much more than the hours they are paid for.) Here are the many categories of people who keep us going.
- Organization Leaders – Council, Boards, Committees, TLC, Youth, School Board – those that do the planning and/or those that carry out the plans.
- Properties Maintenance – cleaning, repairing, building, replacing, gardening (inside and outside), painting,
- Financial – weekly/monthly giving, giving donations of furniture, vacuum, coffee pots, etc. Filling requests for supplies for Bible school, etc.
- Fellowship – serving as greeters, ushers, acolytes, bringing treats for fellowship, food for many occasions, coordinating events such as bazaar, Advent dinners, Lenten dinners, etc. and those who cleanup after events, Members Helping Members.
- Spiritual – In addition to Pastor Anderson, many help provide “The One Thing Needful”. This includes the Spiritual Oversight Committee, In-Reach and Out-Reach Committees, teachers – School, Sunday School, Bible School, music – choir, organ, instruments, Bible Study leaders, Companions in Prayer, recording services for those unable to attend and always prayers said on behalf of others.
A big THANK YOU to all of you who make this happen. We also give thanks to God that He has given us the talents and willingness to carry out this work in His name.
With the Lord Begin Thy Task (ELH #82 vs1,4)
With the Lord begin thy task; Jesus will direct it.
For His aid and counsel ask; Jesus will perfect it.
Every morn with Jesus rise, and, when it is ended.
In His name then close thine eyes; Be to Him commended.
If thy task be thus begun with the Savior’s blessing,
Safely then thy course will run, Naught thy soul distressing.
Good will follow everywhere while thou here must wander;
Thou at last the joy wilt share in the mansions yonder.
Congregation Prayer Suggestions:
Intercessory prayer – prayers on the behalf of others – are a part of a Christian’s life. If you have a request for Companions in Prayer at Heritage to pray for you or someone you know, please contact Alice Schmidt, Pastor Anderson or the Office. Here are some suggestions to add to your prayer list.
- June has an important remembrance day – Father’s Day on 6/16. Give thanks for the Christian fathers who lead and guide us in faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Pray for resolution of the unrest and wars throughout the world and for those who are suffering from them.
- Pray for all those who have been impacted be the major storms that have devastated several area in the past few weeks.
Serving in June
June Greeters
6/2 – Balliet
6/9 – Calhoun
6/16 – Cook
6/23 – Sutton
6/30 – J. Damico/N. Barrott
Greeter Guidelines
To provide a consistent, friendly, and sincere greeting every Sunday to all members and visitors to Heritage Lutheran Church, guidelines have been developed to help accomplish that goal. Following are some of those guidelines:
- Please mark your calendar for the date you are assigned. The date assigned will be published in the Heritage Newsletter for a two-month period.
- Please be ready to greet no less than 20 minutes before each service for which you have been assigned.
- As you greet visitors, please encourage them to sign our guest book. If there are two people greeting, one of you could escort them to the guest book while the other continues to greet. Ideally you should try to introduce them to another member standing nearby. Sometimes this is difficult to do as the service is starting. In that case, try to chat with them after the service and introduce them to other members after the service.
- Stay at the door until the service is underway; visitors quite often show up late and really need extra help in getting bulletins and a place to sit. Feel free to involve the ushers as needed.
- If you have a chance, get their contact information from the guest book or by asking them for it, and then follow up with a thank you text, email, or note sent to them thanking them for visiting our church. If you inform the church office, they could help with this task.
- If you are unable to greet at both services, please ask someone to fill in for you. If you find out at the last minute, text the following who are willing to help – Remus 651-800-5827, Braun 612-237-1064, Fahning 952-200-2870, Eisenbeis 651-230-4423, Barb Oachs 952-465-5272
- If you have a conflict with the date you were assigned, please contact someone from your month or the next month and trade with them. This helps those doing the scheduling with juggling all the rescheduling. Thank You!
June Ushers & Acolytes
6/2 – 9:00 – Dan Schwanz, Micah Steward/Jaycen Steward
6/9 – 9:00 – Kurt Arehart, Bruce Reedstrom/Ushers
6/16 – 9:00 – Craig Remus, Jef Sutton/Jaycen Steward
6/23 – 9:00 – Jacob Calhoun, Kevin Henricks/Ushers
6/30 – 9:00 – Josh Mears, Phil Holz/Josiah Mears
June Recording
6/2 – Stan Miller
6/9 – Martin Paulsen
6/16 – Stan Miller
6/23 – Libby Paulsen
6/30 – Stan Miller
June Altar Guild
Sondra Frimanslund/Hannah Anderson
June Fellowship
6/2 – Judy Tonak
6/9 – Siewert
6/16 – Wright
6/23 – Candy Rynders
6/30 – Frimanslund
June Birthdays
2 Steve Cook
3 Jane Fahning
4 Greta Blom
7 Oliver Cook
7 Katie Henricks
7 Crystal Arehart
7 Howard Siewert
9 Gerrie Koeplin
9 Naomi Krueger
10 Lyle Fahning
12 Dennis Braun
13 Jane Greene
20 Kyle Leary
21 Eric Olp
28 Maria Reedstrom
29 Al Braunwarth
30 David Edsen