Heritage Lutheran Church is a Bible-believing, Confessional Lutheran Church that proclaims the true Word of God.

January 2025 Newsletter

Heritage Herald – January 2025 Edition

From Pastor’s Desk


2024 was a difficult, challenging, and also thrilling year at Heritage Lutheran Church.  The year had only  begun when we lost a true pillar of the congregation in March with the death of Bruce Voigt. Bruce was a lifelong Lutheran within our fellowship, serving many different positions in a number of congregations.  At his untimely death- he was only 67- Bruce served as Director of Spiritual Oversight, Chairman of the Board of Elders, and member of the Church Council (corporate Board of Directors).  Bruce was a strong voice of leadership. His opinions were always deeply thought out. His ideas and proposals were intricately organized and strategically planned.  His was always the voice of reason, of sound doctrine, and life-long conservative Lutheran experience. He was seasoned, tested, grounded, and founded on the Rock of Christ.  He was a shining light of the Gospel and the epitome of Christ-like mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  We rejoiced for and with Bruce when he received the heavenward summons, for we knew that he passed into the arms of his Savior, to the presence of God, where our Lord wipes away every tear from every eye.  But his passing left a giant hole in our congregation, in our structure, and in our leadership.   What would we do without Bruce?  Who would fill those giant shoes?

But in the midst of the maelstrom, God provided.  The Council pulled together ever more closely.  The Elders maintained course, aided by the treasure trove of knowledge left behind by Bruce. Elder Steve Cook answered the call and was appointed by the Elders and council to fill the vacancy on Elders and Council.  I think Steve must have felt a little like David, donning the ill-fitting armor of the towering King Saul as he prepared to meet Goliath.  And as David shrugged off the armor which could only entangle him and took up his solitary sling, so Steve shook off doubt and fear, trusting that God would strengthen him and equip him for the task.  Yes, God provides for his flock.  Bruce was unforgettable, but not indispensable.  We humbly pray the Lord to send workers into the harvest field, he hears our prayers, and he answers them!  Yes, God provides.

2024 also tragically reminded us how precious fragile life is.  We mourn every dear member who passes away, but in 2024 we mourned the passing of three little souls, not yet finished in their mother’s womb. Who can understand the permissive will of God in such a thing?  Yet we do not mourn like some who have no hope.  Brilliant, powerful, and courageous is our hope as we look forward to a better place, a better life yet to be revealed to us.  A place where there is no sorrow, suffering, or pain, or sadness, rather bliss, peace, wonder, and joy surrounded by the angels of God in heaven.  Who can pretend to understand the grief of young parents having lost tiny little ones at the dawn of life?  Yet family and friends encircle them with love, encouragement, and support.  We share their tears and offer our heartfelt prayers to the One who can help, who can calm the troubled breast, who can lead the heartbroken onward to find peace and joy in this troubled world.

We also said goodbye to an old soldier of the cross, Floyd VonBargen in late July.  God blessed Floyd with a long life of 94 years.  And Floyd would be the first to say God filled his life with Joy above sorrow, guided and kept him every step of the way.  Floyd was another true Pillar, an example to all of abiding faith, and a bright and warm light of the Gospel.  Heaven’s gain is our loss.  May he rest in peace. Blessed be his memory.  Now we all surround Floyd’s beloved bride LaDonna with compassion and support.  Her Floyd is gone,  but she is not alone. She is surrounded by loving sons and daughters, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  And she knows that she is never alone, for Christ is as nearby as a whispered prayer.

The Spring and Summer were occupied with plans and challenges for expansion of the Heritage School.  20+-year veteran Kindergarten teacher, Sarah Smith, had retired.  How do we replace a Sarah Smith? On top of that, plans were to add first and 2nd grades to the school.  Impossible! Some would say.  How will we afford it? How will we accommodate the students? Where will we find a teacher?  Who would answer our desperate  Call?  I might add that in the midst of all this angst we had new School Board leadership.  At the retirement of the standing Board Director, two young men, Dusty Balliet and John LaSalle, lacking any experience in running a school board or conducting a teacher call process, answered the call to serve.  It has been astonishing to see the talent and ability revealed in these two young men!  Breathtaking to see how the faculty, staff, and church council embraced them and helped bring them up to speed and assist in every conceivable way.  And then God reached down from heaven and brought us MaKenna, our new teacher.  And at the same time God emboldened teacher Teresa Lehne to take on the new combined K-2 classroom.  Once again, just when we were on the verge of panic, ready to give up, God provided.  When we couldn’t see a way forward, God opened the way. When we couldn’t see how it was possible, God did the impossible.  What a gracious God we have.

I’m out of time. This is a long article, I know, and much more still could be said. But there is one last thing that brings me nothing but smiles.  Without a choir director, without a functioning choir, Julie Wright and Klaudia Calhoun answered God’s call, volunteered to reorganize, restart, and direct the choir.  And now we are treated again to sweet sounds of thanksgiving and praise from a talented Heritage choir.  Speaking of church music, another miracle happened.  We were running out of available artists to lead our services on the organ.  What would we do?  God had a plan. God raised up a high school Sophomore, Nathan Nikoley, who was willing to learn and to play for us.  He has revealed himself to be a shockingly talented marvel on the organ bench!   Only yet in high school, he plays that organ like a virtuoso.  Who saw that one coming?

So as we step forward into a new year and we remember, that mighty lesson impressed upon us from the year now passed.  “With man, this is impossible.  With God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).  Thank you God, for all the dedicated Heritage servants through whom you have performed the unthinkable, improbable, and impossible.  We enter the new year with a fresh sense and experience of your grace, hope, mercy, and awesome might.  Help us to go forward boldly and resolutely in the faith you have planted and nurtured in us. Bless the work of our hands, O Lord.  Bless the humble work of our hands.

-Pastor Karl J. Anderson

Treasurer Update

FY25 Financial Summary

FY25 November Financial Summary

Council Update


  • Sunday school Christmas program – practicing
  • Digging into activities for the future

Spiritual Oversight

  • Discussion about delegates for synod convention
  • Speak with Phil about next year’s budget
  • Wright’s loan of a piano for the sanctuary

School Board

  • Closing summer program registration
  • 9 so far have registered (max is 10)
  • School Christmas program – children are singing mid-day on Dec 19/20
  • Conferences went well – multi-aged classroom topic is well received


  • Outreach meeting with Rev. Kerkow last week – meeting shared with council
  • Recording also to be shared with congregation


  • Jesse will speak to Hammerheads about some things that they’ve been doing. Need to be taking proper care, and only using the gym (with care) – not the narthex.
  • Gutters – missed the last round of leaves – they’re frozen in the gutters now
  • Vacuums need replacing (again)
  • Tim has fixed the old boys’ restroom urinal and the sink in the furnace room.
  • Gym ceiling paint was fixed


  • There are matching funds available for the School Relief Fund up to $20,000 (see action item)


  • Studying Property and Health insurance situations (see action item)


  • Seminary gifts delivered
  • Sentinel will be limited in print form
    • Available online on our website (ensure people know it’s there – perhaps monthly notice in the newsletter)
  • Review of the membership roster/directory will happen in January


Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Women’s Bible Study. 

The Monday night Women’s Bible Class will resume on Jan. 6th with the Study of Luther’s Large Catechism, Part 2 – The Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Lord’s Supper. Contact Ruth B. for further details.

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Class meets at 9:00 a.m. Class resumes on Thursday, January 9th.

Heritage Choir

Choir rehearsal is on Wednesdays starting at 7 pm. New members are always welcome! Please contact Julie Wright or Klaudia Calhoun with any questions.

Volunteer Opportunities Around the Church

Once again the Property Board is requesting Heritage members to volunteer to clean the Narthex, Sanctuary and gym on a weekly basis. Please consider helping to keep our church looking nice by signing up on the volunteer board. The Sanctuary takes about 1 1/4 hours, the Narthex 1 1/4 hours, and the gym 20 minutes. Questions: contact Ruth B. for details and instructions.

Members Helping Members

Greetings from Members Helping Members,
We help with rides to doctors’ appointments, limited help with car repairs, meals, or any other help someone may need. This month we supplied several meals to families in need. Please contact Pastor or myself if you need any help. If you would like to help on this committee, please contact me.
Thank you,
Barb Oachs

Companions in Prayer 

My Prayer Story

“Pay attention!”  How often have you heard or said those words?  Teachers say them to students when it is something very important.  Parents say it to their children when they are “fooling around” instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing.  I say it to myself when I find my attention is wandering – like driving and letting my mind wander.  It is easy to become distracted by something we see or hear or just our minds jumping from one subject to another when we should be concentrating on the task before us.  This can happen related to our faith also.  God reminds us, commands us, encourages us and teaches us to “Pay Attention”.  In Exodus 20:8 He commands us in the 2nd Commandment – “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.”  In Proverbs 4:20 He reminds us “My son, give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings.”  He encourages us with His promises in Proverbs 1:33 “But whoever listens to me will dwell safely,  and will be secure, without fear of evil”.  In Mark 4:24 He again reminds us “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear.  With the the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear more will be given.’”.   He wants us to do this gladly and with our fellow believers where it is recorded in Romans 12:15  “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”.  Let’s all make one of our New Year resolutions to “Pay Attention” to the most important message in our lives – Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life for us and died on the cross for our sins so that we may join Him in heaven!

Hark! the Voice of Jesus Crying  (Hymn 191 vs.1 ELH)

Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, “Who will go and work today?

Fields are ripe and harvests waiting;  Who will bare the sheaves away?”

Loud and Long the Master callers;  Rich reward He offers thee.

Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I, send me, send me.”


Congregation Prayer Suggestions: 

Intercessory prayer – prayers on the behalf of others – is a part of a Christian’s life.  If you have a request for Companions in Prayer at Heritage to pray for you or someone you know, please contact Alice Schmidt, Pastor Anderson or the Office.

Each of you have a list of those you pray for, but consider adding these to it.

  • Once again a natural disaster is overwhelming some areas of our nation as hurricane Helene has struck the south east part out our country. Pray for those who are suffering loss of property, loss of life and face a lengthy period of recovery.
  • Ask God to bless and keep the older generation in our congregation who are facing life changes of health, memory, mobility and living arrangements.
  • Ask for God’s blessings on our loved ones, our congregation, our country and our world in the New Year.

Serving in January

Click the link –>   Greeter Calendar

Greeter Guidelines

To provide a consistent, friendly, and sincere greeting every Sunday to all members and visitors to Heritage Lutheran Church, guidelines have been developed to help accomplish that goal.  Following are some of those guidelines:

  • Please mark your calendar for the date you are assigned. The date assigned will be published in the Heritage Newsletter for a two-month period.
  • Please be ready to greet no less than 20 minutes before each service for which you have been assigned.
  • As you greet visitors, please encourage them to sign our guest book. If there are two people greeting, one of you could escort them to the guest book while the other continues to greet.  Ideally you should try to introduce them to another member standing nearby.  Sometimes this is difficult to do as the service is starting.  In that case, try to chat with them after the service and introduce them to other members after the service.
  • Stay at the door until the service is underway; visitors quite often show up late and really need extra help in getting bulletins and a place to sit. Feel free to involve the ushers as needed.
  • If you have a chance, get their contact information from the guest book or by asking them for it, and then follow up with a thank you text, email, or note sent to them thanking them for visiting our church. If you inform the church office, they could help with this task.
  • If you are unable to greet at both services, please ask someone to fill in for you. If you find out at the last minute, text the following who are willing to help –  Remus 651-800-5827, Braun 612-237-1064, Fahning 952-200-2870, Eisenbeis 651-230-4423, Barb Oachs 952-465-5272
  • If you have a conflict with the date you were assigned, please contact someone from your month or the next month and trade with them. This helps those doing the scheduling with juggling all the rescheduling. Thank You!

January Ushers & Acolytes

Click the link –>    Usher Acolyte Calendar

January Recording

1/5 – Libby Paulsen
1/12 – Stan Miller
1/19 – Stan Miller
1/26 – Martin Paulsen

January Altar Guild

Bonnie Kooy/Shirley Schwanz

January Fellowship

1/5 – Open
1/12 – Merseth
1/19 – Calhoun
1/26 – Nikoley

January Birthdays

10 Lisa Leary
15 Erich Bobka
16 Maddie Paulsen
16 Jacob Calhoun
26 Chris Nikoley
26 Teri Olson

January Calendar 
