Heritage Herald – December 2023 Edition
From Pastor’s Desk
The True Meaning of Advent
The following article by Jeff Miller is a tongue-in-cheek expose of the commercial excess that has so obscured the seasons of Advent and Christmas in our land. May it serve as a reminder to all of us that we need to work hard to keep Christ the focus of the season.
-Pastor K.J. Anderson
The True Meaning of Advent
Being that this is the first Sunday of Advent I thought it might be useful to give some information about this season. Advent is a shortened form of the the word Advertisement, of course you probably already knew that. This time of year we get blasted by advertisements day and night to buy gifts and to attend sales. There are some groups that contend that Advertisement actually starts on Black Friday and that this is in fact the first day of the Celebration that merchandiser consider Good Friday. During the season of Advertisement we are suppose to be of good cheer for some amorphous reason that is never quite mentioned. Rumor has it that it all leads up to the event of some child born a while ago that takes place on Christmas Day. Who this child was is not important just that we should know that the season is all about family and buying stuff. During Advertisement people say Happy Holiday’s to each other. The reason for this is that during this time Malls decorate with lots of Holly so people have considered this to be Holly days. There are also other joyful greetings like Season Greetings and 40 percent off. People spend time in thanks that they have not yet exceeded their credit limit and they might forget that they have a Savior, but they will remember the savings. During the season of Advertisement the days are still 24 hours but are measured in shopping days instead. It is also a tradition for this season to be some what penitential. Penances such as having to park in overflow parking two miles away from the mall are common. After Christmas comes Advertisementide. This is the ad season of after Christmas sales and even more discounts. Later on in the shopping season comes the season of Lent. This is because you have to get money lent to you to pay off your shopping bills.
There are also some customs associated with Advertisement such as the Advertisement Wreath. Each week you take all of your junk mail and roll it up and tighten it with a rubber band and place it in your Advertisement Wreath. The third week it is traditional to use advertisements from red tag sales. You can also make or order a Advertisement Calendar, though most calendars come advertisements this is a special edition where you mark off shopping days so you know when to panic when you haven’t got everything on your list. So relax and have a happy Advertisement for whatever reason we are suppose to be sellebrating.
– Jeff Miller November 27, 2005
Advent Worship Schedule:
o Wednesday Advent services: 6:30 pm – December 6th, 13th and 20th. Supper served on the 13th & 20th at 5:15 p.m.
o Sunday 12-24 One morning service at 10:00 am. This will be the Sunday School Children’s service.
o Sunday 12-24 The Christmas Eve Candlelight song service will be at 6:30 pm.
o Monday 12-25 Christmas day service will be at 10:00 am with Communion.
o Sunday 12-31 New Years Eve: One morning service at 10:00 am with Communion. There will NOT be an evening service.
o Monday 01-01 -2024 New Years Day; There will be NO service as is our custom.
Treasurer Update
FY24 November Financial Summary
Council Update
Edmond and Gabriel Peltier were baptized in a private ceremony. Eddie is a preschool student. The parents are not members.
On a Bruce/Jesse motion these boys were unanimously accepted into membership.
Director Reports
In reach – Sunday School has begun Christmas program practice. Their program will be the morning of Christmas Eve. Low attendance has impacted practice.
Spiritual Oversight – Advent services will be December 6, 13, and 20. Services will be at 10:00 on December 24 and December 31. Christmas Eve will be at 6:30. There will be no New Year’s Eve service.
School Board –The Call process is continuing. The school Christmas programs are December 14 and 15.
Outreach – Church merchandise sales have been going well. The Outreach board will provide greeters at the annual Bazaar. They are planning a pie social for after the Thanksgiving eve service in partnership with TLC. They are developing programs for partnering with the school board for outreach to the school families in conjunction with school expansion.
Properties – The floor renovation plan is in place for the Monday after Thanksgiving. Long time Heating and AC repairman George Tinsley is moving, so we will need a replacement. Wade Smith will be installing the new AC.
Treasurer – The monthly financial metrics are positive. We are ahead on giving. The YTD net operating is positive.
Chairman– Everyone is continuing to work on the Educational Call process.
TLC/Office– The Advent supper schedule will be posted. The office staff is planning for the office move for the floor renovation. TLC is working on seminary gifts and shut-in care. Heritage may become a voting site.
11/28/2023 – Special Council Meeting
Call list request update – Due to a miscommunication, the submission for the request was delayed. It has since been sent, but as a result, the congregational call meeting will be delayed until 12/17.
Teacher Compensation Plan – Phil presented a compensation plan for all teachers for the upcoming fiscal/school year. This is urgent and relevant because the details of such need to be included in any potential call package. A motion to accept the framework as presented was made by Josh/Phil and passed 6-1. An overview of the compensation plan along with the updated financial model for the school will be included during the 12/3 congregational meeting between services.
Implementation plans – There was a brief discussion on breaking up the tasks to restart the elementary school. This will continue offline and all will keep the School Board co-chairs in the loop.
Floor Grinding & Sealing Project
The grind and seal for the south entry, offices and fellowship hall is nearly complete as of the publication of this newsletter. The plan is to begin moving things back into place next weekend as there are some final things that will need to be done prior to moving everything back into place. Please stay tuned for more information and details, but the properties board is tentatively looking at Saturday, December 9th or Sunday, December 10th.
TLC – The Ladies’ Connection
TLC Christmas gathering will be at Jane Fahning’s home (16242 Dutch Barn Drive) on Monday, December 18th, at 5:30 p.m. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. All ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Thanks to all who helped with the Bazaar in any way. Total funds collected are $5,542.55! What a blessing!
Adult Bible Study Opportunities
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Monday Night Bible Class meets on Monday evenings at 6:30. We are studying Ecclesiastes. All women of the congregation are invited to join us in person or online. Contact Ruth B. with questions. Monday night women’s Bible study will be on hiatus starting Dec. 18th and resuming on Jan 8th.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Class will reconvene on January 11th.
Members Helping Members
Companions in Prayer
My Prayer Story:
I have just begun to put out my Christmas decorations for this year. I have a number of angels so one of my side tables is filled with them. They come in every size, shape and color, just as I imagine the heavenly host will look when we join them in heaven. As I am putting them out, I always think of Luke 2:13,14 – “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace goodwill toward men!” Once I had this vision of a host of angels, I thought of the hymn “Behold a Host Arrayed in White” – another affirmation of how we will spend our time in eternity. Again I expect we will see others of many shapes, sizes and nationalities gathering at the heavenly throne. Both of these mental pictures give us all a great comfort and hope of our place with the angels in heaven. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, may our faith be strengthened and we know the we too will be a part of that heavenly choir!
Congregation Prayer Suggestions:
Intercessory prayer – prayers on the behalf of others – are a part of a Christian’s life. If you have a request for Companions in Prayer at Heritage to pray for you or someone you know, please contact Alice Schmidt, Pastor Anderson or the Office.
Each of you have a list of those you pray for, but consider adding these to it.
- The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine fill our TV screens every day. We give thanks for the progress that has been made in freeing hostages and in the pause in the war. We pray that this will continue
- We give thanks for those willing, talented, generous members and the multiple individuals who have made our many activities successful this fall – Pot luck dinner to start off our Fall schedule, 50th anniversary celebration, and bazaar. We look forward to completion of the flooring project, Advent dinners and Christmas celebrations. May we all start 2024 with a renewed commitment to Heritage and God’s Word – “God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage”!
- As the process of calling a teacher for the school year 2024-2025 proceeds, may God give direction, consensus, and success to both the process and outcome.
Serving in December
December Greeters
12/3 – Henricks
12/10 – Mears
12/17 – T. Oachs
12/24 – Steward
12/25 – Eisenbeis
12/31 – Nikoley
December Ushers & Acolytes
12/3 – 8:00 – Chris Nikoley, Dave Paulsen/Cooper Sickmann
10:30 – Kevin & Nicholas Henricks/Josiah Mears
12/6 – 6:30 pm – Bruce & Nathaniel Reedstrom/Ushers
12/10 – 8:00 – Jacob Calhoun, Tim Oachs/Ushers
10:30 – Steve & Elijah Cook/Ushers
12/13 – 6:30 pm – Jacob Calhoun, Bruce Voigt/Ushers
12/17 – 8:00 – Micah Steward, Jef Sutton/Jaycen Steward
10:30 – Jesse & Fischer Chapman/Josiah Mears
12/20 – 6:30 pm – Dan Schwanz, Jef Sutton/Ushers
12/24 – 10:00 – Larry Sickmann, Bruce Voigt/Cooper Sickmann
6:30 pm (Christmas Eve) – Josh Mears, Phil Holz/Cooper Sickmann, Josiah Mears
12/25 – 10:00 – Bruce Reedstrom, Jesse Chapman/Josiah Mears
12/31 – 10:00 – Kevin Henricks, Dan Schwanz/Jaycen Steward
December Recording
12/3 – Stan Miller
12/10 – Martin Paulsen
12/17 – Libby Paulsen
12/24 – 10:00 (Sunday School Service) – Dave Paulsen
6:30 pm (Christmas Eve) Stan Miller
12/25 – 10:00 – Libby Paulsen
12/31 – 10:00 – Stan Miller
December Altar Guild
Shirley Schwanz/Sondra Frimanslund
December Fellowship
12/3 – Siewert
12/10 – Tonak
12/17 – Open
12/24 – No Fellowship
12/31 – Koeplin
December Birthdays
4 Paige Chapman
5 Bruce Voigt
6 Carrie Blom
9 Laura Braun
12 Weston Flemming
13 Mel Schwanz
13 Nikalette Balliet
16 La Donna Von Bargen
17 Gavin Sickmann
21 Russ Olson
21 Larry Sickmann
23 Alice Schmidt
23 Holly Sutton
29 Lucca Balliet
29 Lily Meany