Building Protocols:
- All non-worship related parts of the building will be closed, including the gymnasium, classrooms, kitchens, fellowship hall, etc. Only the sanctuary, narthex, and library/mother’s room will be available for use.
- The seating in the sanctuary will be limited to 25% capacity (per fire marshal) and rows will be spaced by 6 feet.
- There are to be 3 empty seats between family units.
- Overflow seating will be available in the narthex.
- Doors to the sanctuary will be propped open.
- Doors to the restrooms will be propped open. Men’s room mirror will be covered.
- Wastebasket added outside restrooms.
- Water fountains will be disabled.
- Ventilation:
- Air filters will be replaced prior to reopening and every 3 months thereafter.
- The furnace fan will be on 24/7
- Excess “stuff” in the narthex, mother’s room, etc. will be removed.
Worship Service Protocols:
- Upon entry to the building, there will be provided: bulletins, hand sanitizer, masks & tissues.
- An usher/elder/greeter will stand near and restock the items but will not distribute them to individuals.
- Mask wearing by congregants is required per the governor’s 7/25/2020 mandate.
- An offering plate will be available at the door before and after the service.
- Usher/elder will be required to wear masks. Nitrile gloves will be available (and are optional) for use by the usher.
- Congregants will proceed directly to their seats upon entry of the building proper.
- An exception can be made if narthex seating is requested.
- Bulletins will contain all the necessary materials for participation in the service.
- Children’s activity bags will not be available.
- Everyone will be ushered out of the building. Vulnerable/elderly will be given the option to exit first. Those remaining will be ushered out back-to-front.
Lord’s Supper Protocols:
- Registration will take place by informing the usher/greeter at the door who will record the congregants’ intentions for them.
- The common cup will be temporarily suspended in the corporate service
- The common cup will continue to be offered for private communion if scheduled.
- The pastor will wear gloves and a mask.
- 7’ distancing will be marked on the floor around the chancel.
- Family units may stand together.
- There will be no waiting line. Family units will be ushered from seat to table.
Cleaning Protocols:
- Prior to service:
- Standard weekly cleaning will be done.
Contact Tracing Protocols:
- Attendance will be recorded for each service to notify all if/when someone informs our COVID communicator that he/she has become infected.
- Pastor Anderson is our designated COVID communicator. The infected individual is to notify him and he will inform those that were at the same services for two weeks prior to infection.
- Current CDC guidelines will be distributed to the congregation.
- Current CDC guidelines will be posted around the building.
- All services will continue to be streamed to YouTube.
- Members will be encouraged to participate to whatever extent they are comfortable. We will prohibit none and will judge none for refraining.